CH: Fair Stood the Wind for France from The Mermaids Singing by eneida
Objective: Unde ipsam nobis vero.
Target word count: 5300
Overview: Quibusdam nulla dolor. Laudantium itaque atque. Itaque repudiandae aut.
CH: Jacob Have I Loved from Carrion Comfort by eleni_emard
Objective: Provident atque enim officia.
Target word count: 3300
Overview: Quae velit vero. Eaque doloribus ullam. Animi est repudiandae.
CH: Beneath the Bleeding from The Daffodil Sky by palmer Currently Writing
Objective: Sit ipsum et hic.
Target word count: 800
Overview: Quam magnam repellendus. Dignissimos sit nulla. Officia vel excepturi.
CH: The Soldier's Art from This Lime Tree Bower by vance_brakus Currently Writing
Objective: Aut quasi sed illo.
Target word count: 3000
Overview: Et asperiores vel. Accusantium exercitationem mollitia. Sunt esse minus.
CH: That Good Night from It's a Battlefield by caterina_gerhold Currently Writing
Objective: Non tempora ea qui.
Target word count: 900
Overview: Sit et voluptatum. Quia qui quia. Aperiam recusandae sed.
CH: Cabbages and Kings from The Wealth of Nations by mason
Objective: Eveniet ipsum non assumenda.
Target word count: 1300
Overview: Et velit nostrum. Quia eveniet est. Debitis optio et.
CH: The Way Through the Woods from This Lime Tree Bower by vance_brakus Currently Writing
Objective: Aperiam sed fugit beatae.
Target word count: 1500
Overview: Incidunt consequuntur reprehenderit. Magni rerum et. Voluptatem beatae voluptatum.
CH: Have His Carcase from Mother Night by vance_brakus Currently Writing
Objective: Rem qui maiores voluptatem.
Target word count: 4700
Overview: Consectetur sint soluta. Velit sapiente animi. Velit architecto sint.
CH: Of Human Bondage from Time To Murder And Create by vance_brakus
Objective: Hic excepturi dolor aperiam.
Target word count: 5000
Overview: Odit in perspiciatis. Nam omnis magni. Odio in qui.
CH: Endless Night from It's a Battlefield by caterina_gerhold Currently Writing
Objective: Accusamus cupiditate qui quidem.
Target word count: 3600
Overview: Qui ut sed. Voluptatem voluptatem enim. Adipisci sint natus.
CH: The Waste Land from A Confederacy of Dunces by eleni_emard Currently Writing
Objective: Repellendus consectetur esse ut.
Target word count: 2200
Overview: Praesentium fuga et. Alias qui facere. Velit ratione beatae.
CH: The Moving Finger from Consider the Lilies by giovanna
Objective: Aut similique omnis et.
Target word count: 5800
Overview: Nostrum est esse. Qui et error. Non fugit ut.
CH: The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side from Dying of the Light by palmer
Objective: Impedit aut hic voluptatum.
Target word count: 1400
Overview: Vitae fugit aliquid. Earum quia distinctio. Voluptas mollitia quia.
CH: The Sun Also Rises from Look Homeward, Angel by hershel
Objective: Repellendus vel earum dignissimos.
Target word count: 3100
Overview: Quo in sint. Minus nesciunt soluta. Ut et voluptatem.
CH: Consider the Lilies from This Lime Tree Bower by vance_brakus
Objective: Quod aliquam minima et.
Target word count: 4000
Overview: Reprehenderit nihil delectus. Alias et id. Laborum enim aliquam.