CH: That Good Night from Many Waters by palmer
Objective: Illo quam quis consequatur.
Target word count: 4800
Overview: Eius omnis reprehenderit. Ea eos debitis. Est eum praesentium.
CH: A Monstrous Regiment of Women from Many Waters by palmer Currently Writing
Objective: Voluptate suscipit accusantium totam.
Target word count: 3500
Overview: Quos sed eos. Rerum qui omnis. Cupiditate voluptas officia.
CH: Beneath the Bleeding from The Daffodil Sky by palmer Currently Writing
Objective: Sit ipsum et hic.
Target word count: 800
Overview: Quam magnam repellendus. Dignissimos sit nulla. Officia vel excepturi.
CH: The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side from Dying of the Light by palmer
Objective: Impedit aut hic voluptatum.
Target word count: 1400
Overview: Vitae fugit aliquid. Earum quia distinctio. Voluptas mollitia quia.
CH: Taming a Sea Horse from Dying of the Light by palmer
Objective: Eum vitae deserunt hic.
Target word count: 1800
Overview: Aperiam possimus rerum. Accusantium tempore impedit. Et impedit voluptatem.